Quello che so di te
Presentazione del libro di Nadia Terranova, con Maristella Panepinto e Antonio Maiorana
Palermo, Modus Vivendi, h. 18



Gianfranco Marrone is a full time Professor of Semiotics in the Department of Cultures & Society at the University of Palermo, Italy. He is the Director of the Ph.D. program in "Semiotics: studies on text, discourse, media, cultures," which is based at the same University. He taught Semiotics of Food at the University of Pollenzo (TO), and Semiotics at IULM (Milan). He has also lectured in many other universities such as Bologna and Milan (Italy), Paris and Limoges (France), São Paulo (Brazil), Bogotà (Colombia), Lima, Madrid, Meknès (Maroc), and Jyväskylä (Finland).

He is the Director of the Centro internazionale di scienze semiotiche, Ubrino, and the Circolo semiologico siciliano, Palermo.

His research interests include mass-media studies, aesthetics as well as literary theory from a semiotic perspective. His research in the field of semio-aesthetics primarily deals with the nexus between signification/perception. His most recent work has made an innovative contribution to the field of socio-semiotics applied to food, brand, cities, journalism, space, politics, advertisement, fashion, and TV.

Selected publications

Selected texts In English:
"Introduction of the Semiotic of the Text" (De gruyter, 2021)
"Semiotics of Animals in Culture", Springer 2018
"Farewell to representation: Text and Society", in "Semiotics and Its Masters", De Gruyter 2017;
"Food meaning: from tasty to flavourful", "Semiotica" 103, 2016;
"The Invention of the Text", London, Mimesis international 2014.
"Ludovico's Cure. On Body and Music in A Clockwork Orange", Toronto, Legas publisher, 2009.
“Toxic substances, semiotic forms. Toward a semiotics of drugs”, in Semiotica, nn. 1-4, 2007.

In Italian:
Nel Semiocene (2024).
Gustoso e saporito (2022).
La fatica di essere pirigri (2020)
Storia di Montalbano (2018)
Prima lezione di semiotica (2018)
Roland Barthes: parole chiave (2016)
Semiotica del gusto, Milan, Mimesis 2016
Dilettante per professione, Palermo, Torri del vento 2015
Gastromania, MIlan, Bompiani 2104
Figure di città, Milan, Mimesis 2013
Stupidità, MIlan, Bompiani 2102
Addio alla Natura, Turin, Einaudi 2011
Introduzione alla semiotica del testo, Rome, Laterza 2011
L'invenzione del testo, Rome, Laterza 2010
Il discorso di marca, Rome, Laterza. 2007
La Cura Ludovico, Turin, Einaudi, 2005
Montalbano, Rome, Nuova ERI (Vqpt) 2003
Corpi sociali, Turin, Einaudi 2001
Estetica del telegiornale, Rome, Meltemi, 1998
C’era una volta il telefonino, Rome, Meltemi, 1999
Il dicibile e l’indicibile, Palermo, L’epos 1995;
Il sistema di Barthes, Milan, Bompiani, 1994;
Stupidità e scrittura, Palermo, Flaccovio, 1990;
Sei autori in cerca del personaggio, Turin, Centro scientifico editore, 1986.

He has also edited, and translated into Italian, works by Roland Barthes and Algirdas J. Greimas.


Professor Gianfranco Marrone
Dipartimento Culture e Società, Viale delle Scienze - Edificio 15 - piano III, stanza 307, 90128 Palermo, Italy
